Promote your business through your digital business card

Digital business cards are becoming a trend in the business world, especially when it comes to investing in pleasant and efficient networking. They give third parties access to ...

Raquel Medeiros


Raquel Medeiros


June 8, 2021

Improve your company's communication and networking by using digital business cards.

Having an online presence is essential these days and one of the best ways to get started is by creating a digital business card.

A digital business card is an online version of your traditional paper business card. It includes all of your important contact information such as your name, website, email address, phone number and social media.

You can also include additional information about your business, such as a brief description of what you do or what products and services you offer. And unlike paper business cards that can be easily lost or forgotten, digital business cards are easy to share and can be stored electronically for future reference. In addition to being ecologically correct!

It is not new that digital business cards are becoming a trend in the business world, mainly to invest in a pleasant and efficient networking. A digital business card gives third parties access to social networks, websites, company location and all through hyperlinks.

Digital business cards can be a marketing strategy, as by sharing it with other professionals you gain a good reputation for yourself and your company by showing that they use new methods of communication. Others get a good impression because they are aware that your company works with new technologies which help your networking and the environment.

Through a digital business card you have more opportunities to present your work or that of your company through the tools of the virtual environment. A quality marketing move that helps your business become known instantly using methods that are more pleasant for both the professional and the client or business partners.

Advantages of having a digital business card

You will never lose it: One of the positive points of the virtual universe is that we never lose anything, our files are always saved in the cloud or in emails and business cards also fit into this. Digital cards are shared as a JPEG or PDF making them easier to find as they are forwarded to storage. ClickCard in particular makes any business card you receive a contact in your address book if you allow it. This functionality is present in your application, where you can organize your professional contacts in subfolders.

Eco-friendly and cheap: In addition to helping the environment by avoiding printing the cards, you don't need to order multiple copies of it, as one piece is enough to share with everyone.

Improves accessibility: Through the links included in the card, the person you forwarded it to can access your social networks with just one click. In this way, the presentation of your brand becomes more accessible and communication becomes more practical.

Like the idea? Download the ClickCard app from the Play Store or the App Store and make your digital business card. Don't stay out of this!

Relevance of the business card in the corporate universe

Business cards have always been the mainstay of professional networking, as it adds an air of legitimacy that other networking methods lack.

Not only are they physical reminders, but they can also act as a symbol of the professionalism you've gained from your hard work in the marketplace. After all, business cards make a great first impression for new and existing customers alike.

For those seeking greater exposure and brand recognition in the corporate world, well-designed business cards are not to be overlooked!

How to do professional networking

Professional networking is one of the most important aspects of developing a successful career. Not only can it help you build meaningful relationships with potential employers, mentors and peers in your field, it also provides access to a wealth of information, key contacts and potential job opportunities.

By taking the time to attend networking events and socially engage with industry leaders, you are likely to gain valuable market insight as well as strategies to enhance your career.

How to behave at a corporate event

When attending a corporate event, whether as part of your job or as a networking opportunity, it's important to know how to act. To make a good impression, you need to understand and adhere to etiquette guidelines.

Avoiding the use of inappropriate language, dressing appropriately for the event, and avoiding talking too much are essential things to remember.

Showing respect and courtesy to fellow participants and refraining from trying to monopolize any conversations will also help to make a favorable impression on those around you.

Generally speaking, respectful behavior at all times will demonstrate professionalism and help open many doors in the corporate world.

How to Make Relevant Connections at a Networking Event

Making connections at a networking event can be intimidating, but with a few tips and tricks, it can be made easier.

To help stand out from the crowd, come prepared to the event armed with an elevator pitch about yourself and your interests.

Don't forget to have business cards handy too!

It's helpful to pre-require information about the company you plan to network with, as well as any topics they might bring up.

When talking to someone at a networking event, pay attention and actively listen to what they have to say. There's nothing better than networking with someone you can have a meaningful conversation with.

Finally, don't forget to follow up right after the event by keeping in touch via emails or phone calls. By doing this, you will stay relevant and connected with those you meet.

To purchase a digital business card and leverage your networking, download the ClickCard app and create a template for free.

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